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Antioxidant Super Berries <br>from New Zealand <br>Natural Extraction of Boysenberries Antioxidant Super Berries <br>from New Zealand <br>Natural Extraction of Boysenberries
Antioxidant Super Berries
from New Zealand
Natural Extraction of Boysenberries

Boysenberries tops the chart when it comes to antioxidant power, with their tannic acid polyphenol content being 900 times higher than blueberries. Thanks to their strong antioxidant abilities (measured by ORAC), they reign in the berry family. Boysenberries are loaded with plant polyphenols, dietary folate, fiber, β-carotene, vitamins, and trace minerals, effectively shielding your body against damage from free radicals. They're hailed as natural antioxidants, helping to protect your youthful vigour.

Nelson, New Zealand <br> World Boysenberries' class="pc scr-el" data-y="2"> Nelson, New Zealand <br> World Boysenberries' class="mb">
Nelson, New Zealand
World's Premier Region of

Tracel originates from Nelson, New Zealand, a region with a temperate maritime climate characterized by mild humidity. The uniquely favorable natural environment has nurtured New Zealand‘s “super berries.” Beyond just fresh air, clean rivers, and fertile land, the region benefits from an average of 2400 hours of sunlight per year, resulting in UV radiation levels surpassing those of countries at similar latitudes by 37%. The intense UV rays contribute to the production of more antioxidant polyphenols in boysenberries. Therefore, Nelson is referred to as the “global optimum ecological base for growing Boysenberries”.

20-26°C <br> Day Temperature in Summer
Day Temperature in Summer
100%* Natural Extracts Sourced from New Zealand 100%* Natural Extracts Sourced from New Zealand
100%* Natural Extracts Sourced from New Zealand

The Boysenberry compound formula is developed from the foundation of an innovative anti-glycation concept, AGEs Blocking and Metabolic Technology and UV-G-OX CLEARER™ Triple-Counter Technology to achieve comprehensive anti-glycation, antioxidant and anti-photoaging effects.

*100% refers to Boysenberry extract that is sourced from plants

10-15°C <br> Day Temperature in Winter
Day Temperature in Winter
12.7°C <br> Monthly Average Temperature
Monthly Average Temperature
2,400 h <br> Average Sunlight per Year
2,400 h
Average Sunlight per Year
960 mm <br> Average Annual Rainfall
960 mm
Average Annual Rainfall